Project Description:

This scholarship campaign, a joint project between Ibad Al-Rahman Association and Sanad Relief, provides financial aid (tuition, transportation, supplies) to students in Beirut and Qalamoun, Lebanon, to overcome financial barriers and pursue their education.

Time and Duration

  • Start Date: March 29th, 2023
  • End Date: August 1st, 2024
  • Duration: 17 months
  • Location: Beirut & Qalamoun (Northern Lebanon)

Budget & Type of Aid

  • Total Project Budget: $3,270 (funded by SANAD)
  • To provide financial assistance to students for tuition fees, transportation, and other related expenses.
    • $12: purchase school supplies for one student
    • $50: School student tuition for one month
    • $510: School student tuition for a whole year
    • $750: Laptop for sponsored university student
    • $3300: University student tuition for a whole year

Budget & Reporting Documents


  • The campaign supported 5 students.
  • Scholarships were awarded based on financial need and academic merit, ensuring that the most deserving students receive support to continue their education.

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